Portfólio de Fotografias - Pedro Luz Cunha
Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, Brazil View of Brasilia from Paranoá, Brazil Changing of the Brazilian flag, Three Powers Square, Brasilia, Brazil Brasilia's International Airport, top floor Metropolitan Cathedral, Brasilia, Brazil South Lake (Lago Sul), Brasilia, Brazil Museu Histórico Wall, Brasilia, Brazil Evangelist Sculpture, Metropolitan Cathedral, Brasília, Brazil Buriti Square, Brasilia, Brazil Changing of the Brazilian flag day, Three Powers Square, Brasilia, Brazil South Lake (Lago Sul), Brasilia, Brazil

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photographer Pedro Luz Cunha.
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South Lake (Lago Sul), Brasilia, Brazil

Paranoá Lake, Brasilia, Brazil
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photographer: Pedro Luz Cunha | shooting date: 25 Sep 2004 (Saturday) | country: Brazil | location: Brasilia | in galleries: Brasilia, Brasil | categories: All, Travel, Cityscapes | currently browsing: sort by: publish order (desc), category: All
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