Esquadrilha da Fuma�a, Tucano T-27, EMBRAER EMB-312
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photographer: Pedro Luz Cunha | shooting date: 07 Sep 2006 (Thursday) | country: Brazil | location: Brasilia | in galleries: Aircrafts, New Photos | categories: All, Military, Industry/Technology, Aircrafts | currently browsing: sort by: date (desc), category: All
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Viewer Comments
Exceptional!! They are absolutely great! Its demonstration last Sunday left all of us who were at the Rambla, wanting for more!! And the detail of writing the country names... there was a big wooww in the audience. The only thing I found the show lacking of a grand finale, a last great acrobacy. But that is just me... If they come back count me in first row, no doubt about it!!
Graciela , Uruguay
23 Oct 2007 (Tuesday)
Glad you light the photos of `Esquadrilha da Fumaca`. I hope they visit you any time in the near future. Check news about them at
Pedro Luz Cunha